Man Ling :D <body>
the snowman!!!

man ling aka SOTONG :D

04 Oct 1991
NP Accountancy


Designer: Sillyclock
Actual Image: *
Brushes:* * *


Dear Santa, i want to
be happy!!!


Zi Yi


May 2008
July 2008
February 2012
June 2013

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Personally, i feel that LMS is all about learning different techniques to develop positive thinking in order to apply to our daily life. Also it consists of the introspection which is a self assessment of myself and most importantly reflection of the incidents that happened in my life which i believe these 2 aspects will definitely have a postive impact on the decisions i make in the future!!!
Initially i thought that LMS would be simply an ordinary IS module for me whereby i can just spend my time aimlessly. After attending the lessons of LMS, i am more aware of myself in terms of my personality as well as of the way the way i presented myself to my fellow friends in school. i believe that these will be crucial in our journey as we continue on studying and accomplish our dreams.
I am…

adventurous 1 Fearful 1 organised 1
ambitious 1 Flexible 2 outgoing 3
articulate 2 Foolish 1 overbearing 1
Boring 1 Friendly 3 passive 1
Bossy 1 Frustrated 1 patient 1
Capable 1 Generous 2 physically fit 1
Caring 3 good-natured 2 predictable 1
charming 1 Happy 3 principled 1
Cheerful 3 Helpful 3 proud 1
confident 1 independent 1 reliable 2
considerate 2 Indecisive 2 responsible 2
Creative 1 Intelligent 2 stubborn 2
Critical 1 Irritable 1 self-aware 2
Cynical 1 Kind 2 sensitive 1
demanding 1 Lazy 1 serious 1
dependable 2 Logical 1 shy 1
depressed 1 Lovable 2 stupid 1
determined 2 Loyal 2 supportive 2
disciplined 1 Leader 2 temperamental 1
Diligent 2 Negative 0 thoughtful 2
embarrassed 1 Observant 1 tolerant 2
energetic 2 open-minded 2 trustworthy 2
enthusiastic 2 Optimistic 2 warm 2
Reflections :

i. What are 6 adjectives which best describe you? These can be from outside the list. Think about the evidence or your past experiences that support their accuracy.

Cheerful - smiling everyday :D

Friendly - approach my new classmates/ friends in order to know them better

Optimistic - look at the brighter side of the issue despite the situation most of the times

Outgoing - taking initiative to approach people in a new environment for instance during orientations

Helpful - offer help to my fellow friends whenever they have difficulties coping with it

Thoughtful - aware of my friends' welfare to maintain the strong relationship between us

ii. From the list of adjectives that you scored 3, identify the ones which you best like about yourself. Why are they important to you?

They are important because they help to shape my personality to become who I am, which helps a lot during the interaction among my friends.

iii. From the list of adjectives that you scored 0, write down the ones you would like to improve. How are you going to develop these characteristics?

Confidence ( try to step up as a leader under circumstances, and be involved in various activities )
Indecisiveness (be firm and confident with my decision and have a strong belief within myself that I will be able to achieve it )
Independent ( learn to handle and decide certain issues myself instead of always dependent on others’ decisions before making a choice myself)

Public Self
This is what I share with others about me:
- Cheerful
- Friendly
- Caring
- Helpful
- Optimistic

Private Self
Think about how much of your private self you are willing to share. What are the benefits or drawbacks to sharing aspects of your private self?

Personally, I am willing to share about 80% of my inner personalities. This is because I feel that when we are faced with our friends, we should always be open and sincere, most importantly I believe that we should always be our true self. Indeed there are times where we chose to keep our true character to ourselves, as we may feel uncomfortable to reveal our negative personality to our friends, in the sense worrying that they will dislike us in the future. However I think as long as we are true and honest with each other, the friendship between us will last long.

Refer to your Personal Inventory and write down 5 affirming statements that you can make about yourself?

- I am able to reach my target weight of 40kg
- I can keep myself on track despite the new modules that I faced with
- I am cheerful
- I am happy
- I am optimistic

My 5 year plan:

In 5 years time, i think i will be studying in a local university for my degree in accountancy and hence qualified as a certified accountant. Also i wish to pursue my diploma in music (piano) by then, in order to fulfill my passion for music Lastly, i hope that i will be able to maintain the close ties i have with my extended family, bringing joy to my loved ones.

i would like people to remember me as a cheerful and optismistic girl who always has a passion for music. Comparing the “I” today and five years from now, i believe i will become someone who is more confident with myself in terms of during work, speeches and managing my daily life. In addition, i hope to transform from one who is indecision to someone who can be firm in her decisions, whereby i can decide my choices myself without having to be influence by peers, etc. Lastly, i believe in 5 years time, i will become more independent compared to today, and hence able to manage my life in a better way which will contribute to a fruitful journey i have in the future.

In order to attain my goals to be what i can in 5 years time, i have to overcome mainly the fear of perfoming/speaking in public. Thus in order to curb this obstacle, i have joined BA Envoys whereby i will be taking up leadership positions and be involved in activities such as open house, camps and even stepping out to the secondary schools to give talks on the life in poly, hence using this as a platform for me to “open” up, less introvert and be more confident of myself.

5:45 AM